Faust Trailer

Theatre director Philipp Preuss invited me to provide the soundtrack for the play »Faust Mit Motiven aus Faust II« by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe at Theater Heidelberg. This time i experimented a lot with 5.0 dolby surround playbacks to support the eerie setting of the piece. For more information and all dates please check this link! Listen to an excerpt of the score at soundcloud.

Regie Philipp Preuss
Bühne Ramallah Aubrecht
Kostüme Eva Karobath
Musik und Sounddesign Richard Eigner
Video Konny Keller
Dramaturgie Lene Grösch

Faust (und andere Rollen): Hans Fleischmann, Raphael Gehrmann, Mathis Reinhardt, Christina Rubruck, Andreas Uhse
Gretchen (und andere Rollen): Sheila Eckhardt, Lisa Förster, Sophie Melbinger

All Photos by Sebastian Bühler.